Today when I pushed message to the redis list at a frequency of 400hz in Project A, and poped up message in Project B, the printing on the terminal in Project B was too slow.


Firstly, I checked the speed of consumer, it is normal, the redis list is always empty or less than 3 item.

Next I notice the producer’s frequency was far less than 400hz, then I delete code step by step, when I delete the code for push message to the redis list, the frequency become normal.

Test in the producter’s node

  • Run the following command in the producter’s node termial.
    redis-benchmark -t set -n 100000 -q -a "xxx" -h -p xxxx 
  • Response from the redis server.
    SET: 1386.19 requests per second
    SET: 6042.30 requests per second
    SET: 3402.52 requests per second
    SET: 1163.06 requests per second
    SET: 2050.44 requests per second

Test in the redis container

  • Run the following command in the redis container’s termial.
    redis-benchmark -t set -n 100000 -q -a "xxx" -p xxxx 
  • Response from the redis server.
    SET: 161290.33 requests per second, p50=0.255 msec

It is obveriously, the network bandwide slows down the speed of push message to the redis server.